Summer Read: “F” by Daniel Kehlmann

Summer Read: “F” by Daniel Kehlmann

 There are some novels I’d like to read over and over again. Daniel Kehlmann’s novel “F” is such a book. Sadly, I don’t have the time although I did revisit it again to put this post together. There are five major characters: Arthur Friedland (the father who says he’s...
Smog I Am

Smog I Am

  I hangout in the space between the Three Sisters of the Coastal Range west of Williams and the Sutter Buttes neither of which you can see from Highway 5 because I blur the view confounding freeways, cars and trucks while time waits. Where The Air Is Clear. Where?...


 Hiatus: a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.Ludwig Wittgenstein Silence is goldenProverb If the Sun & Moon should DoubtTheyd immediately Go out William Blake, Auguries of Innocence  Our last blog...