Poems – 3

Poems – 3

  Think in the Morning tries to post a poem on our Facebook page every morning.  Often the poem has a connection to those early hours when we are most productive.  The poems need not be the “best” work of the chosen poet, but they must move us in a...
Poems – 2

Poems – 2

  Think in the Morning continues to believe in the importance of reading a poem every day.  If you “Like” our Facebook page, you will see a poem posted there every day.  We collected our first two weeks of selected poems in Poems – 1.  This is...
Poems – 1

Poems – 1

  Most days you can visit @Thinkinthemorning on Facebook and view a poem we’ve chosen to start the morning.  We have assembled some of the poems posted thus far.  We will post a additional pages of poems from time to time. Most Americans don’t encounter...