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Why do I call our President Trompudo?  Trompudo is a Spanish slang word implying a man with thick lips, blubber lips, grouchy, snobbish, piggish, a man who lies or tells tall tales (think Pinocchio), angry, disgusting–take your pick.  When visiting Mexico, I noticed a sculpture behind the toilet in my room that so strongly reminded me of our president that I brought it to the attention of the staff.  They all laughed and said “Trompudo!”  So, there you have it.



Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art

Think in the Morning has been posting daily napkins on our Facebook page in our effort to create an informal paper trail of Trompudo’s Faux Presidency.  This our first post of napkins meant to depict Trompudo and his gang on our website.  We will periodically post additional pages of Trompudo-related napkin art as they accumulate on our Facebook page.  These napkins were created in the 1980s long before Trompudo was leading the once great American democracy.

Throughout our website you will find copies of our vast collection of napkin art.  A significant purpose behind TITM is to publish these interesting works of art.  They represent a sort of time capsule of the 80s in Mendocino and are posted for your enjoyment.  We owe a great debt to the napkin artists: Roy Hoggard, Jack Haye, James Maxwell, Estelle Grunewald, Max Efroym, Sula Combs, Sandra Lilndstrom, Mark Eanes, Karen Kesler, Bob Avery, Richard Albright, Bob Seager and the many, many other Mendocino artists who sat in on a few of the weekly sessions.  Many bar patrons serendipitously added their contributions to the mix.  If you take the time to look at past blogs on this site, you will find hundreds of napkins that we have copied and tried to represent properly.


The President and his cabinet

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


President Trump’s Logo

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Republicans used to be the party of fiscal conservatism. Since the Trump tax cut, the budget deficit is on the rise and is expected to rise further and faster.  To paraphrase Trompudo’s lovely wife, I do care, don’t you?

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Our President is protecting us from the international TEARISTS (i.e. babies and young kids). I think FOX NEWS said terrorists, Mr. President. Check your dictionary.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Stuttering John called “President” Trump on Air Force 1 and convinced our fearless leader that he (Stuttering John) was Senator Bob Menendez. They expressed their love for each other but it turned out to be a Phoney Valentine.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, artist unknown


President Trump loves offshore oil. Charlie the Tuna, no so much.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Bonehead Logic: Kim likes nuke reactors. Trump likes Kim. Therefore Trump likes nuke reactors.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


We understand, Mr. President, that you prefer your Trump logo dinnerware for your well-done Trump steak. But, it’s 4th of July.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Max Efroym artist


It’s The Melting Pot, Donald, not The Crucible.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard and friends artists


It appears Scott Pruitt has dropped to #620 on the list of judges being considered for the Supreme Court.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


The Donald Dynasty

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Will Donald pick Judge Judy or Lying Ted’s boy Mike Lee? Supreme nonsense.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artrist


President Trump gives a thumbs up over London

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artrist


NATO? Who needs’em. We’re locked and loaded.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artrist


Which face will Donald wear with NATO, with Putin, with the Christian god that he swears allegiance to?

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Donald’s tariffs on Chinese cats and dogs is is raising havoc at the animal shelter.

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist


Hey Donald, we all know how much your staff loves you, especially Smiley Mike Pence. But General Kelly is looking a bit grumpy. He hated that NATO breakfast. Well, why not feed your team of sycophants breakfast in bed?

Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art, Roy Hoggard artist