[Article transcribed from the Mendocino Beacon, June 2, 1977, Pat McKay author)
James Maxwell is one of several local artists and craftspersons to donate pieces to the new Mendocino Sea Gull restaurant and Cellarbar which re-opens Monday for lunch.
Maxwell has recreated the Pied Piper painting which used to hang across from the bar in the old establishment gutted by an early morning fire last December.
As models he chose 22 friends, including students in the picture.
There are also 14 butterflies, two dogs, two cats, a squirrel and a mouse.
Maxwell is art consultant to a Mendocino Grammar School summer school course, “The Mural Experience,” taught by Nancy Irish.
Those who enroll will plan and paint a mural on the asphalt area of the new grammar school. It will be designed to stimulate creative play and to be played on.
The innovative artist won an Emmy award for his art work on the “Andy Williams Show” and as an NBC sketch artist covered several trials that received national attention.
He has painted murals in other areas and likes working with children.
“The Mural Experience” is June 20 to July 29 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Adults are encouraged to take part in the project, too, and to watch.

Pied Piper Painting. Sea Gull Cellar Bar, James Maxwell artist
It was: Pat McKay wrote this article and took the photo.
Phillip’s tables, lovely fun – art deco sea gulls. sadly I don’t have photos either. I do of the mural. We treasure the past as the present hasn’t passed the test of time. jm
Thanks Max. I will correct this post to credit Pat McKay. I do remember working with Philip O’Leno who was a master craftsman. He made not only the mahogany bar and stools (Phil Brock did the blacksmith work on the stools) but also the large mahogany tables and the smaller round maple tables with your art deco designs. This will be a topic for a future blog.