Poems – 14

Poems – 14

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information.]   The painting at the top of this post by Hermann Orduña was discussed in this recent post by TITM:  The Argument   Does poetry still matter in this era of social media where the attention span...


    It has been said that bad things come in threes.  It’s an old wives tale thoroughly debunked by the mathematician John Allen Paulos, but you’ll never get the conspiracy theorists to disbelieve it especially in the current political atmosphere. I can...
Poems – 8

Poems – 8

  [Click on BLUE LINK for more information]   Think in the Morning posts a poem with a sample of napkin art on our Facebook Page every day.  This is the 9th post on our website of accumulated poems.  Other poems and links can be found HERE:  Poems – 7...