

 Free will, it’s a bitch.   John Milton, The Devil’s Advocate (movie)I’m no puppeteer … I don’t make things happen. Doesn’t work like that … Free will, it’s like butterfly wings–one touch and it never gets off the ground. I only set the stage;...
Life’s Pleasant Surprises

Life’s Pleasant Surprises

 These are random thoughts, silly meaningless phrases, ideas, definitions, quotes, etc.  Does it matter where they come from?  I cite sources when I can.  The soul, whatever that is, seems to need these interstices, room to stretch, degrees of freedom, mental doodles...
I Am a Computer Simulation

I Am a Computer Simulation

I woke up this morning in a fright, woke up from a long dream in which I imagined I was a computer simulation.  And now, and now I’m not sure if I’m dreaming this that I’m writing and if the dream was reality or the other way around. I’m not crazy.  Please do not...