Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

 “Oh, God! Don’t you get your priorities straight when this sort of thing happens?”    from my novel Behind The Locked Door  When I wrote my novel I never dreamed I’d be living it all over again.  Yet, here I am in a similar family situation.  Of course, I’m well...
Life’s Pleasant Surprises

Life’s Pleasant Surprises

 These are random thoughts, silly meaningless phrases, ideas, definitions, quotes, etc.  Does it matter where they come from?  I cite sources when I can.  The soul, whatever that is, seems to need these interstices, room to stretch, degrees of freedom, mental doodles...
Poems – 14

Poems – 14

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information.]   The painting at the top of this post by Hermann Orduña was discussed in this recent post by TITM:  The Argument   Does poetry still matter in this era of social media where the attention span...