

 Free will, it’s a bitch.   John Milton, The Devil’s Advocate (movie)I’m no puppeteer … I don’t make things happen. Doesn’t work like that … Free will, it’s like butterfly wings–one touch and it never gets off the ground. I only set the stage;...
Arguing With Myself

Arguing With Myself

 The spiritual view is that man is divine in origin with an immortal soul. The materialist view is that man is an evanescent accident with no moral nature except that created in him by his experience and culture. As mortal human beings, we have no way o’ knowing which...


 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] The honest man must be a perpetual renegade, the life of an honest man a perpetual infidelity. For the man who wishes to remain faithful to truth must make himself perpetually unfaithful to all the continual,...
The Bliss of Absent-Mindedness

The Bliss of Absent-Mindedness

  [Click BLUE links for sources and information]   Absence of mind doesn’t mean you are careless or lacking in focus; it just means the mind is meandering through fascinating labyrinths invisible to the open eye.   Vinita Dawra Nangia, Are You Often...