Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
- William BlakeBehind the Locked Door
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Poem by Think in the Morning: If Stones Could Speak
If stones could speak The asteroids would say In their squeaky voices “Look out!” The moon would drawl John Wayne style as it sauntered along. Mountains would bellow like bears, Hills hiccup. The buttes, crags and mesas would echo Words of comfort to the...
Poem by Think in the Morning: The Old Sea Gull Cellar Bar
The genius of the original Sea Gull Cellar Bar,The one before the fire,Was that when in positionThe bartender could hear the front doorBut not see itAnd those who enteredInto the dark interiorHad to wait for their eyes to adjustBefore they could find their wayThrough...
Poem by Think in the Morning: Three Deer
Three deer eat in the mowed meadowTasting the flavor of gasoline and grass.I see them out of the glass windowAnd watch the wind furl their coats.They eat hungrily.The gasoline will kill them eventually.We have come by the way of the winding highwayStopped by...
Poem by Think in the Morning: Two Poems
Night and Day Oh Forest WoodYou block the sunAnd now the timeFor play is done.The mushroomed meadow, the needled rugLie in silenceThe worm, the root, the beaded dewWait in darkness.So quickly comes the dusk,The orange muddled night break,Privileged witness to the...
Poem By Think In The Morning: Nothing
I know that you areStanding thereIn your roomThinking how beautifulLife isBelieving that you canControl yourselfThat you can exist on a dietOf water and air.You are happy to be aloneLonely, but happy.It is inevitableThat you will remember ParisThat you will feel the...
Poem by Think in the Morning: On The Fourth Of July 2021
On The Fourth of July 2021(Inspired by William Blake, Auguries of Innocence) The silent journey of fish upstreamEmbarks the infant on his dream. Those whose love the trumpets singAre those who have no such thing. A love that suffers through the blightOutlasts the...
Poem by Think in the Morning: Truth
Truth I can rememberWhen I was youngerPossessed by hungerFor Truth.Now I am olderThinAnd starving.
Come Let Us Reason Together
The biblical phrase "come let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18), one of President Lyndon Johnson's favorites, has been effectively replaced today with Bah Humbug! Reason is now obstruction, invective has replaced debate. Stalemate becomes the tactic because "where...
Living With The Lowly Tanoak
“Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without Improvement are the roads of genius.” William Blake The lowly tanoak even when dying or dead elevates my mood. Literature is replete with the trope of the frightening forest. For example, Dante lost...
William Blake’s Lark
As we slowly read the Doleful City of God by Adriana Diaz Enciso (translating from Spanish to English as we go), we are at the same time revisiting the work of William Blake upon whom Enciso's book is based. The current blog is based on Blake's concept of the lark...
Adriana Diaz Enciso: Doleful City of God
This life's dim windows of the soulDistorts the heavens from pole to poleAnd leads you to believe a lieWhen you see with, not through, the eye. William Blake, The Everlasting Gospel Adriana Díaz Enciso is a Mexican poet, essayist, translator and writer. I came...
Commencement Season Again
Last year Think in the Morning posted our Best Commencement Speech Ever by David Foster Wallace. There have been many great commencement addresses over the years. Undoubtedly there will be more. We still think DFW’s is one of the best and we read and listen to it...