
 Why did an 80-year-old widower who lives in a Newtown Square retirement community spend $50,000...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

Kelley House-Sea Gull Napkin Art Show

Kelley House-Sea Gull Napkin Art Show

    The Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art Show is now open at the Kelley House in Mendocino through May 29th. The Director and docents have done a great job compiling and displaying the original napkins. An interactive large screen computer monitor allows you to peruse...

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Short Fiction – Redwood Brain

Short Fiction – Redwood Brain

  A tree filled with angels, bright angelic wings bespangling every bough like stars.   William Blake’s childhood vision   In the forest wood, among trees, without a path, trail, road, river, or star to find the way. Surrounded by dense underbrush, darkness and...

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Short Fiction – Huckleberry Blood

Short Fiction – Huckleberry Blood

  Moon river, wider than a mileI'm crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your wayTwo drifters, off to see the worldThere's such a lot of world to seeWe're after the same rainbow's endWaitin' 'round the bendMy...

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Kelley House Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art Show

Kelley House Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art Show

  Napkin Art Show at the Kelley House in Mendocino, Think in the Morning has donated all our original napkins to the Kelley House for safekeeping so that future generations may have a look when they wish. On April 15th Kelley House will sponsor a napkin art event with...

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Short Fiction – Two Oysters

Short Fiction – Two Oysters

  “I think it’s your shell.” “I have a shell?” “Of course, everything does.” “Everything?” “Well, clams, mussels, scallops, abalones, armadillos.” “Have you ever seen an armadillo?” “No, but I’ve read about them.” “That’s hearsay.  You can’t use it.” “Okay, beetles...

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Short Fiction – Salt Fog

Short Fiction – Salt Fog

  But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.  Genesis 19:26 An ocean of fog lays over the headlands. It creeps up the rivers, slides up the trunks of giant redwoods, kisses mouths of ghosts who live in the space between sky and earth. A...

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State of the Union – Updated

State of the Union – Updated

  Tonight I will listen to the State of the Union Address (SOTU)  as I have done almost every year since the 1950s. George Washington gave the first such address on January 8, 1790. The U.S. Constitution requires that the President "from time to time" report on the...

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In A Way, Pangloss Was Right

In A Way, Pangloss Was Right

  “If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others like!”  Candide Pangloss was the silly old philosopher (a stand in for Leibniz) that Voltaire poked fun at in his classic story Candide. I read Candide years ago and continue to learn from and enjoy it...

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 Left refers to those who left the comforts (or miseries) of home for a new start in the sixties especially the “back-to-the-landers some of whom established communes, or the itinerant travelers along the Hippie trail, or the lost hedonists of the Haight Ashbury that...

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Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

 Here we are once again up against the dreaded debt ceiling. What is it? It’s a self-imposed limit on the amount the U.S. government can borrow that allows politicians to play Russian roulette with the American people. It is a stupid idea because it prevents the...

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Do Humans Have Souls?

Do Humans Have Souls?

  In a recent post Think in the Morning reviewed a new book by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder (Existential Physics). In this Big Think video Hossenfelder discusses what human beings are and whether they have...

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Fifty Years Ago

Fifty Years Ago

 Fifty years ago this month I walked away from an academic career in economics and into the restaurant business. Several personal tragedies led to the decision most notably the death of my father, my sister and my brother all within a two year period. If ever...

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