Only The Artists Can Fix It

 Many years ago during a local supervisors race I was tasked with developing a fundraiser for a...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

Ethical Optimism and Integrity: Richard Henry Dana Jr.

Ethical Optimism and Integrity: Richard Henry Dana Jr.

[Click on BLUE links for further information]     Ever since I was left somewhat alone, without gods, I have been a ferocious believer in the power of small coincidences. That is how chance works, at least for those of us who do not have the certainty of...

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  [Click on highlighted BLUE links for further information]   There are many jokes about alcohol and its effects, but at the Sea Gull Cellar Bar we treated alcohol with the respect it deserved.  The short video below depicts an actual scene that took place...

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Funny Money

Funny Money

  Financial advisors would have you believe they inhabit an arcane world of alphas and betas and that they and they alone can navigate the mysteries of modern portfolio theory.  The reality is a bit different.  Let me tell you about an average day in the life of...

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Rebuild Part I: Fits and Starts

Rebuild Part I: Fits and Starts

  In my last post I provided a bit of the history after the fire that destroyed the Sea Gull in 1976.  The first weeks were consumed with clean up, planning, financing, architectural design, and obtaining the permits for the project.       I asked...

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After the Fire

After the Fire

  [CLICK ON BLUE LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION]   Many of the posts on this site are about the Sea Gull Restaurant and Cellar Bar in Mendocino during the 70s and 80s. This was a special time for many who lived in Mendocino at that time. They are now obviously...

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The Minute Particulars

The Minute Particulars

  Think in the Morning thanks Lindell Stacy-Horton for her contribution to this post.   He who would do good to another must do it in Minute Particulars. General Good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite, and flatterer; William Blake, Jerusalem The...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: The Man in the Zocalo

Poem by Think in the Morning: The Man in the Zocalo

  The mind is restless. It never sleeps. Thoughts skip across the surface Like flat rocks on a lake Sink to the bottom Into darkness and mud.   A man traipsed the square leaning on his walker Straw hat.  Wide brim.  Khaki pants.  Plaid shirt Covered with...

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The Complexity of Hypocrisy in the Age of Donald Trump

The Complexity of Hypocrisy in the Age of Donald Trump

Dante and Virgil, on the right, watch the hypocrites, wearing lead-lined cloaks, filing past the high priest Caiaphas, who is nailed to a cross on the ground.  Caiaphas was the priest who said that Christ should die.  Each hypocrite steps on Caiaphas as he passes....

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Calm Down and Shut Up: The Politics of Lao Tzu

Calm Down and Shut Up: The Politics of Lao Tzu

  [click on blue links for further information] NOTE:  All translations of Lao Tzu are from Ursula Le Guin or Witter Bynner unless otherwise noted.   You might say that I’ve been a mess of emotions since the November election.  The candidate that I least...

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El Chapo

El Chapo

  Today's News:   Drug lord 'El Chapo' extradited to the U.S. I wrote this one year ago while in Puerto Vallarta. Gotta Do It “Listen Guzman, we gotta do it.  We gotta build a wall.  Those Americans are flocking down here, drunks, fat people, cheapskates and...

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Bonehead Economics: Things to Know in the Era of Trompudo

Bonehead Economics: Things to Know in the Era of Trompudo

  [click on BLUE links for more details or information]     "Start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient."  Lawrence Summers My brother was eight years older, and I idolized him.  When he went away to...

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