Only The Artists Can Fix It

 Many years ago during a local supervisors race I was tasked with developing a fundraiser for a...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

The Greatest Heist in History

The Greatest Heist in History

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and further information]   Better views of some of the charts and some of the analysis used in this post can be found HERE:  Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts     America can be divided into five income classes:  the...

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Oyster Stuffing

Oyster Stuffing

  [Click on BLUE links for sources or more information}       H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G   Thanksgiving comes and goes but oyster stuffing for the turkey has been a constant in my life since I first read M.F.K. Fisher’s Consider the...

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A Few Things I Learned Running A Restaurant

A Few Things I Learned Running A Restaurant

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and further information]   … truly being here is so much; because everything here apparently needs us, this fleeting world, which in some strange way keeps calling to us. Us, the most fleeting of all. Once for each thing....

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Do We Really Need This Tax Cut?  Just Askin’

Do We Really Need This Tax Cut? Just Askin’

  [Click on Blue links for sources more information]   NOTE:  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and his wife celebrate the first batch of dollar bills with his signature in the Feature Picture above.  Mnuchin, who supports the current tax cut, made millions...

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Shy Red

Shy Red

  [Click on BLUE links for sources or more information]   In this age, the mere example of nonconformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity a reproach,...

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Trompudo’s Revolution

Trompudo’s Revolution

  [Click on BLUE links for sources or more information]   Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.  Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach   Progress is not a straight line, there’s going to be moments in...

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Keeping the Peace During the Holidays

Keeping the Peace During the Holidays

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information.]   “The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.”  Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part One   “You can choose your friends but you sho' can't choose your family,...

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Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

  [Click on BLUE link for sources and more information]   Nothing in this world can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin   The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets....

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Launch Day

Launch Day

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information]   This is going to be a different sort of post for me.  I’m writing on a subject I know nothing about, a boat launch.  I know very little about boats and avoid them when I can since I get terribly...

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Inside the Hologram

Inside the Hologram

[Click on the BLUE links for sources and further information]   The Vision of Christ that thou dost see Is my Vision’s Greatest Enemy. Thine has a great hook nose like thine; Mine has a snub nose like to mine. Thine is the friend of All Mankind; Mine speaks in...

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Loving Animals in Their Proper Place

Loving Animals in Their Proper Place

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information]   There is at least one thing I agree on with Donald Trump:  “Donald was not a dog fan.”  As a Godless liberal and unrepentant elitist, I have no plans (nor does Donald) to add a pet to my family in...

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