Cat Fight

Cat Fight

 The news this morning is that Ted Cruz will lead a group of 11 Senators to oppose President Elect Joe Biden’s certification.  Senator Cruz, known as Lucifer in the Flesh or more affectionately as the Lovechild of Joe McCarthy and Dracula, seems to be laying the...


“My favourite line in all of literature is Rudyard Kipling’s monkey: ‘My people are the wisest people in the jungle, my people have always said so.’”   Joni Mitchell For the past few days I’ve been rereading Joan Didion.  The White Album, Slouching Towards...
Democracy Descending

Democracy Descending

I knew Nobel economist Kenneth Arrow slightly when I was an undergraduate student at Stanford.  I was greatly impacted by his book Social Choice and Individual Values at the time and have referred back to it often.  In simple terms one of his most famous theories...
After The Election

After The Election

 Think in the Morning has been blogging a bit less recently.  The steady Caw! Caw! Caw!of the ravens followed by their throaty gurgling croaks announces Fall, our favorite time of the year.  Cooler and overcast weather and the first rains make for a perfect reading...