Who’s On First?

Who’s On First?

  My Thoughts at 3 This MorningMy recent experience with the medical system has convinced me that it bears an uncanny resemblance to the famous comedy sketch of Abbott and Costello. The difference is that the comedy sketch is about a game while the medical system is a...
Come Let Us Reason Together

Come Let Us Reason Together

 The biblical phrase “come let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18), one of President Lyndon Johnson’s favorites, has been effectively replaced today with Bah Humbug!  Reason is now obstruction, invective has replaced debate.  Stalemate becomes the...
Living With The Lowly Tanoak

Living With The Lowly Tanoak

 “Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without Improvement are the roads of genius.” William Blake The lowly tanoak even when dying or dead elevates my mood.  Literature is replete with the trope of the frightening forest.  For example, Dante lost...
Commencement Season Again

Commencement Season Again

 Last year Think in the Morning posted our Best Commencement Speech Ever by David Foster Wallace. There have been many great commencement addresses over the years.  Undoubtedly there will be more.  We still think DFW’s is one of the best and we read and listen to it...
Don’t Miss This

Don’t Miss This

 My friend Peter Lit will be reading a few of his new poems this Thursday night (April 15) at a ZOOM author’s night sponsored by the Gallery Bookshop.  Here is the LINK TO REGISTER: Three short talks. One great evening! Featured authors: Peter Lit, Suzanne...