

  The State of California used to be the state of Alta California as part of Nueva España and later Mexico. Many Mexicans stayed here – as the saying goes, ‘the border moved, not me’ – and as we’re all very aware it’s a space of intersecting and overlapping,...
Persimmons and Mezcal

Persimmons and Mezcal

 The cold, the winter, the holidays—lazy.  What better time to honor others in the blogosphere than when you are too lazy to write your own blog.  This blog was inspired by an Instagram post from my friends at Mezcalistas, Baking with Mezcal.  Today’s experiment in...
Think in the Morning Oaxaca Journal

Think in the Morning Oaxaca Journal

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Oaxaca is one of the most beautiful places on earth in our opinion.  We have visited every year for the past twelve years.  Because we write so much about Oaxaca, we are often asked how to travel there, what to do,...