Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

 One of the first blogs I wrote concerned a philosophical conundrum that is also a political conundrum: The Trolley Problem and the Winter of our Discontent.  The problem addressed is simple in theory but oh so difficult in practice.  How should we deal with a policy...
Pop Goes the Weasel

Pop Goes the Weasel

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Disclosure:  I have no particular insight into the financial markets.  In this I am in good company (just read the financial press for a battery of conflicting reports).  Just a couple of weeks ago the famous bond...
When to Compromise

When to Compromise

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] … le mieux est l’ennemi du bien   Voltaire(… the best is the enemy of the good) “I started to be a photographer when I was 17 years old, before completing my education.” Whatever the precise date of her...
Ex Uno Plures

Ex Uno Plures

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information] And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand… Matthew 12:25 Donald Trump is a...