How I Learned To Read and Write

How I Learned To Read and Write

 In my old age I started to write, first a blog then a novel.  I’m asked from time to time how someone who ran a restaurant and later worked as an independent financial planner ended up writing.  The answer is easy.  I learned to love reading and writing years...
The Tree by John Fowles

The Tree by John Fowles

[Click on BLUE links for sources and further information]   For Arbor Day I suggest reading The Tree by John Fowles.  I was introduced to John Fowles by way of The Collector assigned by my college freshman English teacher (Mr. Wexler) many (too many) years ago....


    It has been said that bad things come in threes.  It’s an old wives tale thoroughly debunked by the mathematician John Allen Paulos, but you’ll never get the conspiracy theorists to disbelieve it especially in the current political atmosphere. I can...