Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
- William BlakeBehind the Locked Door
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Summer Read: Mouth To Mouth by Antoine Wilson
Antoine Wilson’s short novel Mouth To Mouth is a page turner. It kept me engaged from start to finish. I read it in one sitting. For those familiar with Albert Camus’s The Fall, Mouth To Mouth is a lighter version of The Fall with a twist. At least in my mind. As...
Summer Read: Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez
Xochitl Gonzalez’s debut novel Olga Dies Dreaming has definitely made the rounds. An immensely successful first novel, Hulu considered the story for a series even before the book was published. Think in the Morning recommends the book for many reasons. For anyone...
Summer Read: Klara And The Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Think in the Morning is no authority on science fiction. We recently reviewed Vagabonds by Hao Jingfang and awhile back we reviewed The Butterfly Kid by Chester Anderson. Like many in our generation (the over-the-hill crowd) we grew up with The Twilight Zone, Star...
Summer Read: “TRUST” by Hernan Diaz
History itself is just a fiction—a fiction with an army. And reality? Reality is a fiction with an unlimited budget. (From TRUST, a novel by Hernan Diaz) Hernan Diaz’s latest novel is about bonds, both financial and human, life and death, memories and futures...
Summer Read: “F” by Daniel Kehlmann
There are some novels I’d like to read over and over again. Daniel Kehlmann’s novel “F” is such a book. Sadly, I don’t have the time although I did revisit it again to put this post together. There are five major characters: Arthur Friedland (the father who says he’s...
Science Fiction, Economics And Life: Hao Jingfang’s Vagabonds
It’s year 2190 on Earth, year 40 on Mars. Mars has been settled by humans from Earth but these initial settlers rebelled against the mother planet, fought and won a war of independence. After ten years of ceasefire, there is an attempt at rapprochement. A group of...
Smog I Am
I hangout in the space between the Three Sisters of the Coastal Range west of Williams and the Sutter Buttes neither of which you can see from Highway 5 because I blur the view confounding freeways, cars and trucks while time waits. Where The Air Is Clear. Where?...
Statue: Inspired By Fleur Jaeggy’s Water Statues
I am cold white marble. An artist of genius gave me life. I can think and feel. Or so it seems. I cannot speak or move but that is of no concern. Imagination is not bounded by either. I’m not lonely. Solitude or solidarity, Nietzsche or Camus. I'm torn. I prefer...
How Baseball Channels True Believers, Scientists and Artists
The idea that there are truths we cannot know for sure is disturbing to those who want an answer for everything. Kurt Godel was a disrupter. He showed (proved) “that mathematics could not prove all of mathematics.” (see Waiting For Godel by Siobhan Roberts, The New...
Hiatus: a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.Ludwig Wittgenstein Silence is goldenProverb If the Sun & Moon should DoubtTheyd immediately Go out William Blake, Auguries of Innocence Our last blog...
The Tygers of Wrath
NOTE: At Think in the Morning we are writing and posting a novel, The Frolic Cafe, in real time. We will edit, add, and subtract from each post as we go so what you read at first may change over time. This post, The Tigers of Wrath, is a short interlude in the...
Getting Boinged
Inflation is back in the news and for good reason. We are on the brink of testing a well-worn phrase, "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon," first coined by Milton Friedman back in the sixties about the time I graduated from high school. As it...