Terrifying Words

 The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

Poem by Think in the Morning: Basket Case

Poem by Think in the Morning: Basket Case

Their lives did not turn out Like they planned.   L was successful But unhappy.   By most measures S had excelled But her success made her afraid.   Nearly everyone thought G was a colossal failure Except for G.   According to Conventional wisdom...

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Lella Doherty operated a large farm near the small town in the Sacramento Valley where I grew up.  She was an independent woman, lived alone, and had an intimidating demeanor.  I worked at the local grocery store.  One of my jobs was to deliver her orders.  She did a...

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The Sea Gull Saga — Part 2

The Sea Gull Saga — Part 2

    In October and November of 1995, Mike L. Evans wrote The Sea Gull Saga, a two part series for The Mendonesian, a local Mendocino publication.  Part 2 of the series is transcribed below.  Pictures were copied from a variety of sources including the...

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The Sea Gull Saga Part 1

The Sea Gull Saga Part 1

    In October and November of 1995, Mike L. Evans wrote The Sea Gull Saga, a two part series for The Mendonesian, a local Mendocino publication.  Part 1 of the series is transcribed below.  Some of the original pictures in the article were not usable....

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The New Pied Piper of the Sea Gull

The New Pied Piper of the Sea Gull

[Article transcribed from the Mendocino Beacon, June 2, 1977, Pat McKay author)       James Maxwell is one of several local artists and craftspersons to donate pieces to the new Mendocino Sea Gull restaurant and Cellarbar which re-opens Monday for...

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Gurus and Geeks

Gurus and Geeks

[First published in the Real Estate Magazine, April 1998, revised 2016]   I obtained the following definitions from the American Heritage Dictionary: GEEK:  A carnival performer whose act usually consists of biting the head off a live chicken or snake. GURU:  A...

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What A Teacher Can Do

What A Teacher Can Do

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour William Blake, Auguries of Innocence Pierce High School in Arbuckle, California is not the kind of place you would expect a young boy to...

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Fire !

Fire !

A typical winter day: cold, clear, calm, quiet.  I walked downstairs from the bedroom in the house next to the restaurant, the historic Jacob Stauer House.   In the kitchen below, I looked out the window into the garden behind the Inn.  There wasn’t much left of the...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: The Crossing

Poem by Think in the Morning: The Crossing

The Crossing for my friend, Renato Aquino Mora   I arrived in Mexico City by bus. I was carrying two thousand US. At the airport, I was robbed. The two of them had a knife. “Give us your money or we’ll kill you.”   “I don’t have any money.” “You expect us to...

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At This Point In Time

At This Point In Time

At This Point In Time   There have been no blossoms during the entire election season. The slight limbs of trees and plants bend from the weight of closed buds.   There is no color. Bees remain sullen in the dark intricacies of their swollen homes hung like...

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The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”   Albert Camus, Intuitions, October 1932 Friday Poem   Risk failure Risk looking stupid Risk trying Risk personal...

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Where The Artists Play

Where The Artists Play

The artists arrived so quietly the locals could not say when Mendocino became an artists’ colony.  Like a solitary ant that finds a pot of honey laying down its pheromones to attract the others, one artist discovered the beauty of the Mendocino Coast, then another,...

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