The recent earthquake in southern Mexico has resulted in the loss of hundreds of homes and dozens of lives. One of the more dramatic sets of before and after pictures is of the government palace in Juchitan in the state of Oaxaca.

Government Palace Before Earthquake, Juchitan, Oaxaca

Government Palace After Earthquake, Juchitan, Oaxaca
Think in the Morning asks you to go to the links below for more information including information on how you can help. These are people we know and trust to get the money to the people most in need. We have made our donation and hope you will do the same. Any donation, no matter how small, will make an enormous difference to the people in this area who have lost everything. Our hearts are big enough to assist the people at home in the USA from the horrendous fires and hurricanes as well as our neighbors in Mexico who have been devastated by the earthquake. Please read more by clicking on the BLUE LINKS below. They will direct you to excellent websites by Americans (Norma Schafer and Susan Coss) who have long experience in Oaxaca where you can find information on how to donate responsibly and with maximum impact. I also recommend my friend of ten years, Omar Alonso of Oaxacking, who has set up his own fundraising page to buy supplies that he will personally transport to the impacted areas. He has already delivered the first load of supplies. Think in the Morning thanks you !
Oaxaca Earthquake Damage Extensive: Urgent Support Needed
Earthquake Relief for Oaxaca: Mezcalistas
Direct Donation through Omar Alonso of Oaxacking
There are several local gatherings throughout Oaxaca City where people donate a variety of things including clothes, food, and household products.
In the past we have attended Little League baseball here in Oaxaca with our friends who own Casa de las Bugambilias. We heard this morning that one member of the Oaxaca team who lives in the Isthmus area lost his house and everything inside. The other lost not only his house but his father. These are 12 year old boys.

Los Cachorros (the Cubs), Oaxaca Little League
Two friends who sell organic vegetables locally, Monty and Pilar, told us the devastation of houses in Juchitan and throughout the area is terrible. Pilar’s mother, who lives in Juchitan, lost her house.

Monty and Pilar, Huertos Bi Nisa, Oaxaca
Independence Day activities have been cancelled throughout the state of Oaxaca.
Think in the Morning mourns with our friends in Oaxaca. The people of Oaxaca are kind, generous, and beautiful. They are also resilient. They will survive. They will rebuild. It will take years and substantial resources. The lost lives cannot be replaced. But, as good neighbors, we can show that we care by sending whatever we can.
What supplies are still needed by the people of Juchitan? Children’s clothes, diapers?
Since I am no longer in Oaxaca, I cannot answer. But I do know that much is needed. There are many excellent online sites informed about the needs there, some referenced in my blog. Please contact them for more information. Thanks for reaching out.