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Blog Post Index
[Click on BLUE links to access any blog from the list]Napkin Art Gallery LINKBlog Posts in Alphabetical Order 4 Reviews For Behind The Locked Door86’dA Bit of An ItchA Dog in the FightA Doodle A DayA Few Comments About the Old Sea Gull Cellar BarA Few Things I Learned...
There’s no denying these eight-legged segmented micro-animals are pretty cute. But the real allure of the tardigrade lies in its incredible hardiness. These small creatures have been subjected to all manner of supposedly unliveable conditions – from temperatures near...
La Cucaracha
There are seven reasons why God doesn’t give a shit about us.First off we’re just lumps of mud he played with once when he was bored of being God.The six other reasons are, wellMaybe not sixBut some for sure.Like cockroachesIf you see one there are lots more lurking...
Red Elephants Blue Donkeys
Election Day, November 5th, looms ahead. Some fear armageddon. Others look forward to a golden age. Voters are divided into teams. We view the future through different colored glasses, red or blue, and we choose an elephant or a donkey for our mascot.Path dependence...
A barn owl lives in a snag in the redwood forest outside my bedroom window. His screeches keep me awake at night. I toss and turn in the darkness. My wandering thoughts coalesce into a dream as sleep takes me without warning or notice. My dreams are calm and clear, I...
America The Complicated
Is America great?When asked, the majority of poll respondents were split between two answers: “yes” (46 percent) and “it’s complicated” (48 percent).“America has always been great for some but not for all.”“America is not great but has the potential to be. We have...
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind. William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Change can be difficult but it is inevitable. Think of yourself. You are constantly changing whether you know it or...
Honest Don : Insult Politics
We all know Donald Trump loves nicknames. Who could forget "Crooked Hillary," "Sleepy Joe," "Pocahontas," "Lyin' Ted," and "Little Marco?" He even gave himself the humble nickname "Honest Don." He prefers nicknames with fewer syllables because they are easier (for...
How to get through a political season that's likely to be mean and nasty? Smile. Even a writer as serious as Borges knows this. Borges’ peculiar sense of humor led him to make remarks that, intended in jest, today would be considered politically incorrect. On his...
The Importance of Being Lucky
“[The Importance of Being Earnest] is exquisitely trivial, a delicate bubble of fancy, and it has its philosophy…That we should treat all the trivial things of life very seriously, and all the serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality.” Oscar Wilde...
As I write this I sit in fog drenched Mendocino while much of the country suffers under the horrid heat of a global heat wave. I indulge myself in quiet esthetic contemplation in the midst of an ugly political cat fight that divides the country. In a word I choose...
Wisdom, Age, Life, Politics
Well, here we are in one hell of a pickle. America may have been here before but never quite as deep in the weeds as we are now. Just weeks away from the two major political conventions both parties are committed to unpopular octogenarians for the highest office in...