Short Fiction – Two Oysters

Short Fiction – Two Oysters

  “I think it’s your shell.” “I have a shell?” “Of course, everything does.” “Everything?” “Well, clams, mussels, scallops, abalones, armadillos.” “Have you ever seen an armadillo?” “No, but I’ve read about them.” “That’s hearsay.  You can’t use it.” “Okay, beetles...
Short Fiction – Salt Fog

Short Fiction – Salt Fog

  But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.  Genesis 19:26 An ocean of fog lays over the headlands. It creeps up the rivers, slides up the trunks of giant redwoods, kisses mouths of ghosts who live in the space between sky and earth. A...


 I began to read at an early age. My parents divorced when I was around two. I lived with my mother and she read to me from as early as I can remember. Other than the newspaper, my father didn’t read much at all. He lived far away but we got together as much as we...
Summer Read: Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde

Summer Read: Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde

 We discovered Allegra Hyde’s novel by accident, by chance, or if you prefer by serendipity. The reclusive author, John Fowles, wrote this amazingly frank response to a high school student who queried him in a letter about the meaning of his book The Magus. Reality,...