Cat Fight continued

Cat Fight continued

 We like to be entertained.  We like surprise endings.  We are amused by magic tricks and shows.  Ordinary life is boring much of the time.  These are some of the reasons we are susceptible to the conspiracy theories and untruths that have become even more prevalent...
Arguing With Myself

Arguing With Myself

 The spiritual view is that man is divine in origin with an immortal soul. The materialist view is that man is an evanescent accident with no moral nature except that created in him by his experience and culture. As mortal human beings, we have no way o’ knowing which...
The Code of Hoggard

The Code of Hoggard

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] David, I showed Jack Haye this code of shapes with & without dots, I often used this for my napkins, hopefully they all translate to English, spelling is not an art, neither is math, When I can I’ll send you...
The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

[Click on BLUE text to link to more information]   “We’re poets and we drink coffee!” (attributed to Roberto Bolaño in The Savage Detectives)   The word “coffee” appears 71 times in the The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño. It’s reasonable to think...