
 Why did an 80-year-old widower who lives in a Newtown Square retirement community spend $50,000...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

Who’s On First?

Who’s On First?

  My Thoughts at 3 This MorningMy recent experience with the medical system has convinced me that it bears an uncanny resemblance to the famous comedy sketch of Abbott and Costello. The difference is that the comedy sketch is about a game while the medical system is a...

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Poem by Think in the Morning:  Now

Poem by Think in the Morning: Now

 I don’t want to knowWhere we goWhen we die.I just wantTo be alive.To hear theEternal buzz of lifeBe it harmonyOr be it strife.To smell the rainWhether healthyOr in pain.To feel connectedTo the oneOr to the other.To taste the fallWinter springAnd the summer.To see the...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: Extra

Poem by Think in the Morning: Extra

 The moon is happy.There is a willing tide.An owlResponding like grandfatherTo a change in the weatherCrosses the limits of reflectionMoving confidentlyThrough his world of dreams.From where I sitI can see the dustUpon those gathered dreams.It does not brush off...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: How To Be Happy

Poem by Think in the Morning: How To Be Happy

 Risk failure to succeed. Risk looking stupid to be smart. Risk trying to acquire skills. Risk personal embarrassment to win praise. Risk making mistakes to avoid mistakes. Risk offending people to help people. Risk having your feelings hurt to be...

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Poem by Think in The Morning:  Silly Restaurant Poem

Poem by Think in The Morning: Silly Restaurant Poem

 Parrot in a halterTop the restaurant rooting parlorPicks and promenadesBefore the waiterWaiting, watchingAutomatic pumpPot, pan, plateIntravenous pyrogenic pulsing,Pounding, energeticStomach filling shakeHalter freeingBeing not afraid to takeFalterFeel,...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: The Prisoner and the Fish

Poem by Think in the Morning: The Prisoner and the Fish

 Manacled, distraughtThe Prisoner soughtRelief in the sea.He ate hungrily.The FishQueried, decried“Why do you eat the sea?”“Hunger,” the Prisoner replied.“Are you satisfied?”“No, too salty and thin.” The Prisoner’s arms withered.The iron cuffs dropped.Fins replaced...

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Poem By Think in the Morning: Blakes’s Songs

Poem By Think in the Morning: Blakes’s Songs

 I remember poetryLike it used to be,Written by a handAny child could understand.Words that don’t playBut mean what they say. What there is aboutReflects the eye without.The inner eye doth seeLocked in memoryThe ancient imagesOn all the pages. Buried in the light of...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: Lament

Poem by Think in the Morning: Lament

 Whispers of art speed me through the corridorsWhere ghosts recount ethereal truths and fascinations.Behind so many open doorsThe work of untold imaginations. Library, gallery, curtainThe Ship of TheseusPoe, Wilde, Fitzgerald, BergmanArt can be quite specious. Down...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: What Can We Know

Poem by Think in the Morning: What Can We Know

[Mark Eanes Studio] There is no reasonUnless the reasonWe discoverIncrementally. In the dust,Out of it,Like everything livingWe leave our mark. We growToward the light,Toward the sun,Energy seeking the highest level. We are the only ones to questionThe pull of...

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Poem by Think in the Morning: Red in Tooth and Claw

Poem by Think in the Morning: Red in Tooth and Claw

 Tennyson won’t mindIf I steal his words.So many others have done it already.But he won’t appreciateMy conclusion thatThere are no happy endings.Our inner demons ultimatelyBeat out the better angels of our natureOr so I think.Where does my pessimism come...

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