
 Why did an 80-year-old widower who lives in a Newtown Square retirement community spend $50,000...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

Crypto Klepto

Crypto Klepto

 A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.                         Senator Everett Dirksen Beware, this is a LOUD song. Not our type but the lyrics were irresistible in this discussion of the FTX...

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When To Stop

When To Stop

  You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.  William Blake  You are in your hotel room and hear sounds from the room next door. “Oh my God!” she says. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Oh God, oh God, oh God! Keep going! Don’t stop!” The walls...

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See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

 When I was in college many many years ago Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile as a democratic socialist. The Sound of Silence was at the top of the music charts. Richard Nixon was the U.S. President and Henry Kissinger was Nixon’s National Security...

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Divisions And How To Fix Them

 Be thankful when people disagree with you in good faith because they are being kind when they do.Annie Duke, How To Decide Keep an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out. (Richard Feynman and others) I know only one thing: that I know...

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Possibility In An Impossible World

Possibility In An Impossible World

 We shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we startedAnd know the place for the first time.                                                                                                          T. S. Eliot, Little...

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Random Thoughts on David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress

Random Thoughts on David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress

 Those who know do not tell,Those who tell do not know.                   Lao Tzu George Santayana, reading Moby Dick: In spite of much skipping, I have got stuck in the middle.                    David Markson, This Is Not A Novel We’re hooked on David Markson....

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 I began to read at an early age. My parents divorced when I was around two. I lived with my mother and she read to me from as early as I can remember. Other than the newspaper, my father didn’t read much at all. He lived far away but we got together as much as we...

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Some Personal Thoughts On Death

Some Personal Thoughts On Death

  “It always surprises me,” says Komla, “how surprising death is, when it’s the one thing that’s inevitable.”  The Verifiers The meaning of life is that it ends ... Franz Kafka Perhaps you are a Kardashian-like Prince Prospero partying like there is no tomorrow in...

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Summer Read: Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde

Summer Read: Eleutheria by Allegra Hyde

 We discovered Allegra Hyde’s novel by accident, by chance, or if you prefer by serendipity. The reclusive author, John Fowles, wrote this amazingly frank response to a high school student who queried him in a letter about the meaning of his book The Magus. Reality,...

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Ten Good Summer Reads

Ten Good Summer Reads

 Think in the Morning recommends these 10 good books for your summer reading. Click on the blue link for our review of each title. Summer Read: Eleutheria by Allegra HydeSummer Read: The Verifiers by Jane PekSummer Read: Mouth To Mouth by Antoine WilsonSummer Read:...

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Summer Read: The Verifiers by Jane Pek

Summer Read: The Verifiers by Jane Pek

 On the surface Jane Pek’s debut novel The Verifiers is a relatively straightforward mystery story. The protagonist, Claudia Lin, is a young Chinese American woman living in New York who works at Veracity, a company that checks on the profiles posted on internet...

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