
 Why did an 80-year-old widower who lives in a Newtown Square retirement community spend $50,000...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
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Road Tripping Toward World Peace: Interlude I

Road Tripping Toward World Peace: Interlude I

 [Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Railway Travel. A journey in a railway train makes me sentimental. If I enter the compartment a robust-minded, cheerful youth, fresh and whistling from a walk by the sea, yet, as soon as I am settled down in one...

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Guest Post: Short Fiction – “F” by Mitchell Zucker

Guest Post: Short Fiction – “F” by Mitchell Zucker

  [Mitchell Zucker has several short stories on this site.  This one is a Think In The Morning favorite.]   Dr. Richard Mann, in a suit and tie, carrying an attaché case, pushes his way through the five o’clock Madison Avenue rush, followed by his cameraman...

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    It has been said that bad things come in threes.  It’s an old wives tale thoroughly debunked by the mathematician John Allen Paulos, but you’ll never get the conspiracy theorists to disbelieve it especially in the current political atmosphere. I can...

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The Kid Who Loved His Grandparents So Much by Carter Jones

The Kid Who Loved His Grandparents So Much by Carter Jones

Carter Jones is nine years old.  This is his first story.   Once there was a boy, a young boy, who lived with his family in a big valley.  He loved his family but he forgot how much they loved him.  He wanted to run away and live with his grandparents.  He was...

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Political Antinomians

Political Antinomians   [Click on BLUE links for articles, sources, and more information]   “There is only one heresy and that is Antinomianism.”  John “Rabbi” Duncan   In Christian theology, an antinomian is a person who believes the moral law is of no use or...

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Was It Really That Wild?

Was It Really That Wild?

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information]   After getting you to give us a freebie glass of wine, napkin art picked up.. a few months later I got the Art Center to give us a room for a cartooning seminar, I got an easel with a large drawing...

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Coincidence Or Business As Usual

Coincidence Or Business As Usual

[Click on BLUE links for sources and more information]     They’re back in the news again.  All three.  At the same time.  Oliver North soon “to be the NRA’s new president”, Iran, Donald Trump Says U.S. Will No Longer Abide by Nuclear Agreement, and Daniel...

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The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

  [Click on BLUE links for sources and more information]   At the library, Sandman eased himself into a chair, booted up one of the computers and showed him how to access the files of individuals the Securities and Exchange Commission kept on its website as...

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