
  How to get through a political season that's likely to be mean and nasty? Smile. Even a writer...

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

- William Blake

Behind the Locked Door
$20 - includes tax & shipping

The Politics of Passion

The Politics of Passion

 Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them   David HumeThe best lack all conviction, while the worst   Are full of passionate intensity   William Butler Yeats Looking forward,...

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A Personal AI answers the Proust Questionnaire

A Personal AI answers the Proust Questionnaire

 The Proust Questionnaire has its origins in a parlor game popularized (though not devised) by Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that, in answering these questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature. In this age of Artificial...

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AI Mania

AI Mania

It’s just a computer.To paraphrase Richard Quest:Just a computer? It all begins with a humble computer. Whether writing your first program or running big programs for those at the top, making their mark, closing deals around the clock. Every computer has power and...

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The Case For Brainstorming

The Case For Brainstorming

 "I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it horrible for the older people and the kids?”                                Rodney King, 1992  I first met Hanley Norins in 1977 when I was rebuilding the Sea Gull Restaurant...

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New Paul McHugh Book Event

New Paul McHugh Book Event

  Think in the Morning friend and author Paul McHugh is coming to Mendocino's Gallery Bookshop. I hope to see you there next week to listen to Paul read from his new book."Author Paul Mchugh, a Mendocino alumnus, shall join an Authors Showcase at The Gallery Bookshop...

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Short Fiction – The Great Divide

Short Fiction – The Great Divide

  Let there be a little country without many people. Let them have tools that do the work of ten or a hundred, and never use them. Let them be mindful of death and disinclined to long journeys. They’d have ships and carriages, but no place to go. They’d have armor and...

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Blog Post Index

Blog Post Index

[Click on BLUE links to access any blog from the list]Napkin Art Gallery LINKBlog Posts in Alphabetical Order 4 Reviews For Behind The Locked Door86’dA Bit of An ItchA Dog in the FightA Doodle A DayA Few Comments About the Old Sea Gull Cellar BarA Few Things I Learned...

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Short Fiction – My Cocaine Daze

Short Fiction – My Cocaine Daze

  The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.  Proverbs 30:1  There have been a lot of ravens hanging around here. More than usual. If I was superstitious, I’d be...

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Short Fiction – Fletcher

Short Fiction – Fletcher

  My dad liked to drive his tan Chevy truck on short trips away from the hotel where he lived. He owned a hotel in the magic mountains. That’s what we called the Sierras. He lived in the hotel after he divorced my mom. In the magic mountains there were bears and...

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Short Fiction – If I Were Dead

Short Fiction – If I Were Dead

 Hello darkness my old friend                        Paul Simon It’s been several weeks since I’ve been able to communicate with anyone. No internet, no phone, no television, no radio, no TV, no newspaper, no books—nothing. Not even the chance conversation. But, you...

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Short Fiction – Money Chase

Short Fiction – Money Chase

  When I first met Riley Gulick, little did I know that someday I’d have to chase him halfway around the world to retrieve the money he stole from me and our clients. I met Riley at an investment conference in New York. We’d both grown up in small towns and we both...

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Short Fiction – Tommy’s Secret

Short Fiction – Tommy’s Secret

 The dump was a few miles west of town, about a half hour drive in our old truck. On Sundays we usually drove there to throw away our trash. The sour smoke from the fires that burned there irritated my eyes and the rank smell of burning garbage made me sick to my...

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