Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
- William BlakeBehind the Locked Door
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When to Compromise
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] … le mieux est l'ennemi du bien Voltaire(… the best is the enemy of the good) “I started to be a photographer when I was 17 years old, before completing my education.” Whatever the precise date of her declaration,...
Guest Post: There Was A Time – by Merlin Tinker (Barry Weiss)
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Most of us in Mendocino know Merlin Tinker (Barry Weiss). At Think in the Morning we were delighted to hear from Barry and to discover that he had a number of scribbles as he calls them depicting some of his...
The Fourth of July – Tom Paine Day
[Click on BLUE links for sources and more information] No natural or religious reason can be assigned to this great distinction of men into Kings and subjects. Good and bad are the distinctions of heaven. Male and female the distinctions of nature. But how can a race...
Sortition: Selection of Public Officials by Random Selection
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] The recent dust up between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ivanka Trump et al prompted Think in the Morning to consider who is best suited to govern in a democracy. Some reporting of the Ocasio-Cortez - Ivanka Trump...
Guest Post: Memories of Symbolic Theater 1985-86 – Mitchell Zucker
[Click on BLUE links for sources and more information] Think in the Morning publishes Guest Posts from time to time. Our friend Mitchell sent this recently which we offer as presented. David, I thought this piece might interest your blog readers because so many...
First, Choose To Stay
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest—whether or not the...
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] You may have noticed that Think in the Morning has been absent for a few weeks. We’ve been in Mexico, one of our favorite places to visit, working on another project I hope to share with you at some not too distant...
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] The honest man must be a perpetual renegade, the life of an honest man a perpetual infidelity. For the man who wishes to remain faithful to truth must make himself perpetually unfaithful to all the continual,...
For Love of Math: Platonist, Positivist, “Philanderist”
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] I had chosen mathematics only because I discovered I could do math very well. And I had somehow gotten the idea that math was at a higher level. But I really got interested in math because of application science. I...
One Mendocino Morning
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] How do you know but ev'ry Bird that cuts the airy way, Is an immense world of delight, clos'd by your senses five? William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell One Mendocino morning I woke up to the melodious,...
Easter Thoughts – In Defense of Moderation
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. C.S. LewisIf he was not God, he was no realist, only a liar, and the...
The End of Cash?
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Many years ago in one of my first college economics classes the professor speculated that cash would soon become a thing of the past. The developed world and the United States were moving, in his view, inexorably...