by Think In The Morning | Nov 9, 2018 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Folks who read at least 30 minutes a week are 20 percent more likely to report greater life satisfaction and 11 percent more likely to feel creative. They’re also 28 percent less likely to suffer...
by Think In The Morning | Oct 26, 2018 | More, Words |
[Click BLUE links for sources and information] Absence of mind doesn’t mean you are careless or lacking in focus; it just means the mind is meandering through fascinating labyrinths invisible to the open eye. Vinita Dawra Nangia, Are You Often...
by Think In The Morning | Oct 21, 2018 | More, Words |
To Live Well You have to take risks Risk failure Risk looking stupid Risk admitting you haven’t got the skills Risk personal embarrassment Risk making mistakes Risk offending people That’s the only way you can learn To succeed...
by Think In The Morning | Sep 19, 2018 | Mexico, Words |
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 11:6 I love watching the weather move in. At its simplest,...
by Think In The Morning | Sep 10, 2018 | Mexico, Words |
He feels as if he’s being watched. He looks up from the book to scan his surroundings. He sees nothing but green leaves, muted flowers, darkness. He listens. He hears only the singing of the grasshoppers, chapulines as they are called in the markets in Oaxaca....
by Think In The Morning | Sep 6, 2018 | Mexico, Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Two years ago Think in the Morning wrote about Monty and Pilar (Huertos Bi Nisa): Some Traditional Markets of Oaxaca. Since then their Saturday market location has moved from outside Casa de las...