by Think In The Morning | Jan 22, 2019 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] And he struck Job with a grievous burning rash from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. Job: 2-7 [The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary, Robert...
by Think In The Morning | Jan 18, 2019 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] While TITM is on leave, we are posting this guest post from our friend in Puerto Vallarta, Gil Gevins. Gil is a co-owner with his wife Lucy of Lucy’s Cu Cu Cabana in Puerto Vallarta, a must visit...
by Think In The Morning | Dec 12, 2018 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and more information] This is our 15th page of poems and napkin art. The other page links are listed below. At TITM we believe that poetry is more important than ever given The Way We Live Now. Poetry and art go...
by Think In The Morning | Dec 2, 2018 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] I like to travel. I live in California. So far I have visited nine other states. There are 50 states in the United States of America. Since I live in California, I still have 40 other states to...
by Think In The Morning | Nov 28, 2018 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and more information.] The painting at the top of this post by Hermann Orduña was discussed in this recent post by TITM: The Argument Does poetry still matter in this era of social media where the attention span...
by Think In The Morning | Nov 18, 2018 | Words |
[Click on BLUE links for sources and information] Think in the Morning is returning to our poems and art series, specifically poems and Sea Gull Cellar Bar Napkin Art. This is our 13th page of poems paired with napkin art. Let us know if you...