Tennyson won’t mind
If I steal his words.
So many others have done it already.
But he won’t appreciate
My conclusion that
There are no happy endings.
Our inner demons ultimately
Beat out the better angels of our nature
Or so I think.
Where does my pessimism come from?
Certainly not nostalgia for a simpler time
When everyone knew their place,
When nature was
Red in tooth and claw.
A bird bangs into a window
Breaks its neck
And dies.
A force applied to a body can change the magnitude of the momentum or its direction or both.
Nature shrieks.
Newton calculates
But not the madness of people.
When all is said and done
We are left with Blake’s poison tree,
His sick rose,
His Mental Traveler
A cycle
That can’t be broken.
What is your answer
To the Grand Inquisitor?
Where is that moral arc
That bends toward Justice?
People come, people go,
Nothing ever happens.
Same as it ever was.
The earth preceded us,
It will survive us.
In the meantime
We live as we must
With nature
And otherwise.
Is this the pen of David Jones?